Environmental Problems- The Future of the Planet

Wishes , Hopes and Hypotheses

If You Adults Won`t Change the World, We Will ! : Ted Talk 

Stress Management

Critical Thinking 


-Why do you think people are so stressed nowadays ?

-When it comes to stress management you can´t beat a few drinks down at the pub with your friends

-With today´s hectic lifestyle, I think it´s important to have a few ways to blow off steam

Social Issues

Critical Thinking 


- I think many of today´s social issues stem from inequality

-I´m not sure governments are doing enogh to tackle the social issues in their countries

-I suspect the breakdown of families has caused a lot of our current social issues


Paraphrasing : Inversion of Word Order in Sentences 


Tabla de Equivalencias de niveles entre Trinity College London, Cambridge University y TOEFL , Estados Unidos ( nivel requerido para ingresar a una universidad norteamericana)

English Studio-Home Studio


- Certificación propia con registro en la Dirección General de Educación de Gestión Privada 22936

- Certificación Internacional del Trinity College London - Centro 595